
About a bot [Part II - some numbers]

In the beginning of this year, I did an F# mentorship with Mathias Brandewinder.

If you want the quick version of the general setup of the mentorship, you are in the right place! This is just a summary with little detail as a future reference point for those who read the entire thing. You can find the full story here.


Duration of each session. Also the number of finished projects in F# after the mentorship (yes, finished!)


Number of people involved This is also the number of retrospectives we did.


Number of weeks getting into the F# ‘groove’.


Number of weeks working on a real project (More about that later)


Minimum amount of hours doing my homework, (or hours spend preparing for the next session.)


time zone difference. Settle quickly on a fixed moment to do the sessions to overcome struggling with it.


Number of sessions


Maximum of hours spend doing my homework.


Amount of suffering we had trying to find the right tools for the job. In the end we settled for TeamViewer for screen collaboration and Skype for audio/video.


If you have any questions about the mentorship, please feel free to contact me via Twitter (or other means)

If you would like to participate in one, you are lucky! The F# community also organizes mentorships! more info can be found here Next round will start somewhere in September.